A quirky and interesting building in Faringdon’s town centre arranged over four floors, with period features dating from the 1600’s (says Historic England) it is offset by modernity where most needed and the Use Class E: Commercial, Business & Service allows for a variety of re-purposing without planning consent, but probably most suited to the former A1 to A3 uses and whereby it was last, and for several years before, a licensed restaurant.
If “quirky and interesting” compliments your business style then this characterful building in Faringdon town centre is what you need. Arranged over four floors, with period features dating from the 1600’s (says Historic England) it is offset by modernity where most needed and Use Class E: Commercial, Business & Service now allows for a variety of re-purposing uses without planning consent. But, possibly most suited to its former A1 to A3 retail uses whereby it was last and for several years a licensed restaurant.
Faringdon is a growing town located in affluent southwest Oxfordshire immediately north of the A420 Oxford/Swindon road at the junction with the A417 for Wantage. Approximately 9 miles north east of Swindon and 16 miles southwest of Oxford. The building is on the northern side of Market Place, in the middle of the town centre shopping area and to the right of Morrisons Daily/the Post Office. P0st code SN7 7HU.
Ground floor – Initially 5.78m x 4.90m (28.32sq.m/305sq.ft) leading to an inner lobby (2.92m x 1.89m) with stairs off and then two further spaces - 3.55m x 1.33m (4.72sq.m/51sq.ft) with a door off to the small yard and 2.62m x 1.87m (4.90Sq.m/53sq.ft). First floor (see photo above) – 5.59m x 5.15m (= 28.79sq.m/310sq.ft) with two raised recesses off 2.66m x 1.44m and 2.34m x 1.34m and steps off leading to the… Kitchen (in two parts, see photo overleaf) - 5.25m x 2.01m (= 10.55sq.m/114sq.ft) and 3.52m x 1.33m (= 4.68sq.m/50sq.ft). Second floor (see photo overleaf) – 4.06m x 2.41m (= 9.78sq.m/105sq.ft) plus 3.31m x 2.77m (9.17sq.m/99sq.ft) – I said it was quirky! - with an inner lobby off leading to a unisex WC. Third floor – A landing area with storage and a bathroom with WC off leads to a further room 4.02m x 3.25m net (= 13.06sq.m/141sq.ft) allowing for partially restricted head height.
Unconditional offers in the region of £179,500 are invited for the (two) freehold interests.
Rateable Value (RV) £5,000 (April 2023). Small Business Rate Multiplier for 2023/24 is x 0.499 (= £2,495.00 payable. But, as the RV is below £12,000 Small Business Rate Relief should be claimable meaning £Nil payable. Please contact VWHDC directly for confirmation.
We understand that VAT is not payable in addition to the purchase price.
All mains services are connected. Telephone/broadband by purchaser’s own subscription.
A very good B/49. Full details available on request.
Vale of White Horse District Council Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon OX14 4SE Tel: 01235 422422
By prior arrangement with the sole selling agent, Green & Co Commercial and Development Agency, during usual business hours Monday to Friday. Tel. 01235 763561 ref. RH or email robin.heath@greenand.co.uk
1. The building is Grade 2 Listed and located in the designated Conservation Area. 2. There is a partly concealed, re-usable staircase off the initial ground floor area which could supplant the existing to the first floor if required. 3. There is a gated, limited right of way to the rear yard to the right of the frontage. 4. We are informed the Premises Licence allows the sale of alcohol and provision of recorded music between 11am and 12midnight Monday to Saturday, and 12noon to 11.30pm on Sundays. 5. Compliance with the UK’s Anti-Money Laundering Regulations requires all offers to purchase to be verified including the source of funds and the identity of the ultimate beneficial owner.